• Question: Why do you want young people to become an engineer in the future?

    Asked by JeCla to Alessandra, Dimitrios, Niamh, Becky, Stacey on 21 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Alessandra Treviso

      Alessandra Treviso answered on 21 Jun 2017:

      I think we need more engineers and your generation is already highly educated in technology so I believe you will be able to help us solve some of the big problems we are still facing, especially when it comes to sustainability and environment.

    • Photo: Stacey Marple

      Stacey Marple answered on 21 Jun 2017:

      I want people to become engineers so they can help society develop. The world has some big problems to understand and solve – climate change, clean energy, increasing food production. Engineers can help do that and change the world. Also it is a fun job!
