• Question: Do you like the idea of nuclear fusion being used in the future?

    Asked by ROBLEX to Alessandra, Dimitrios, Niamh, Becky, Stacey, Tony on 15 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Stacey Marple

      Stacey Marple answered on 15 Jun 2017:

      I think nuclear fusion (same process as the sun) is a good idea. The resources required are common, no radioactivity and the environmental risks are nil. It could be the ultimate form of clean, green energy.

    • Photo: Niamh Ryall

      Niamh Ryall answered on 16 Jun 2017:

      Hopefully. People say fusion has been 20 years away for 20 years and will be 20 years away in 20 years, but there’s certainly been some massive strides forward. It’s not that people can’t do it, its that its hard to stop the walls melting! There is the Culham Centre for renewable energy in the UK and ICER in France (joint European project I think). We’ll need new materials for fusion reactors that don’t melt. I don’t think it’s enough to rely on having fusion energy soon as an alternative to taking action on climate change though.

    • Photo: Alessandra Treviso

      Alessandra Treviso answered on 21 Jun 2017:

      I would love to see it one day. I think it will solve the energy problem but safety first, so lots of studying is still needed to get there
